Thursday, February 12, 2009


Edit for updated information.

So anyway, I'm getting my head shaved this Sunday, 15th February, to benefit the Sarawak Children's Cancer Society. They are holding an event named "Give Hope, Go Bald" at the Spring shopping centre, and I'll be among several people having their locks shorn in the name of children fighting cancer.

We are also collecting donations for this. Cancer in children is highly curable, and usually the only problem is a lack of funding. So please, give generously.

If you would like to donate, email me at (there is no .com) with your name, IC number (if Malaysian) and the amount you would like to pledge.

You can deposit the cash into Public Bank, account # 3151803723 (Account name: Studio Twenty Three) - or, you can write a cheque (if you do, please just make it out to SARAWAK CHILDREN'S CANCER SOCIETY).

All of the money you pledge will go directly to the SCCS. You don't have to be in Kuching, or even in Malaysia to donate. If you want to donate and you aren't in Malaysia, please visit

Cheers all.

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